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Advertise in the Leading Online Directory
Specializing in Assisted Living

Reach More Families Online!

Families use because they are looking for detailed information about assisted living facilities and they find our directory highly ranked in the major search is a cost-effective way to get in front of family decision makers when they are searching for a facility in your area. By providing access to your web site or a customized "INFO" page, you make a positive impression and encourage families to contact your facility.

Order online by clicking the "Order" button of your preferred advertising package, or call us at  to start capturing the growing number of families searching for assisted living on the Internet. Please E-mail us with any questions at. We hope to see you on soon!

Monthly Maintenance Fee (Optional): $29.00 / month

Benefits include:
Website Monthly maintenance fee per customer request

Basic/Plus Plan: $0.00 / Month

Benefits include:
  • Thumbnail picture on search results page
  • 125 word description
  • Ability to update listing information
  • Facility profile

Premium Plan: $9.95 / Month

Benefits include:
  • Virtual Picture Tour (6 photos)
  • Featured on top of search page
  • Featured on home page rotation
  • Ability to respond to complaints
  • Vacancy listing activated
  • 3-5 Testimonials
  • Forms: Admission agreement, house rules, assessment forms
  • Email contact activated
  • URL Link
  • Brochures published on facility homepage
  • Thumbnail on search result listing
  • 125 word description
  • Update listing information

Platinum Plan: $19.95 / Month

Benefits include:
  • Virtual Tour Video - provided by facility
  • Local email marketing
  • Access to resident potential database
  • Virtual Tour (6 photos)
  • Featured on top of search page
  • Featured on home page rotation
  • Ability to respond to complaints
  • Vacancy listing activated
  • 3-5 Testimonials
  • Forms: Admission agreement, house rules, assessment forms
  • Email contact activated
  • URL Link
  • Brochures published on facility homepage
  • Thumbnail on search result listing
  • 125 word description
  • Update listing information


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